Ecuador is known for its biodiversity and rich heritage. But did you know that the country also has one of the most diverse cultures in South America? Ecuador is home to the Andean culture, one of the oldest and most fascinating cultures on earth. This vibrant culture is deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of Incan civilization.
The Andean people have always been known for their hard work, craftmanship and artistry. Nowadays, those traditions are still alive and well. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most important elements of the Andean culture. We’ll show you what they mean, how they’re used and why they are so important. We guarantee you’ll be amazed by all of it.
Discovering the Andean Region
The Andean región convers 33% of Ecuador's total land area. In this region you’ll also find many indigenous groups such as the Awá who live in Carchi, Tsáchilas in Pichincha, Quichuas in Imbabura, Pichincha, Cotopaxi And Bolívar. The quichuas are the largest indigineous group in Ecuador, so they are divided in Otavalos, Cayambes, Chibuleo and Panzaleos.
The Andes run right through Ecuador and make up an incredible swath of lands that spans over 6,000 miles from north to south. This mountain range contains some of the highest peaks in South America and has more than 40 volcanoes, many of which are active.
The Andean region has a reich history that includes many different cultures known for their hard work, craftmanship and artistry. Today those traditions are still alive and well. The culture is celebrated through colorful textiles and ornate jewelry. Music, dance and art are other ways this heritage remains present in the culture, one of the most fascinating on earth.
The magic of the Andes Region
The Andean culture is filled with symbolism and history. It’s also based on spirituality and filled with fascinating traditions. This is apparent everywhere you look when you’re visiting Ecuador. One of the most striking examples of this is the use of color. The indigenous people of Ecuador use color for different purposes, traditional clothing and religious ceremonies.
They also have an incredible ability to combine various materials to create amazing and beautiful works of art. You will see this craftmanship all around you as you travel across the country- in museums, street corners and markets- where artists sell their wares or create them right before your eyes.
One of the most important symbols in the Andean Culture is the condor. This bird is considered a sacred animal that represents strength, power and good luck. Known as the ‘King of the Andes’, the condor is so important in Ecuador, that it’s one of the main symbols in the country’s flag.
The condor is believed to be a messenger from the gods and the spirits and although it’s not seen as a god, it’s revered as an intermediary. In fact, this bird was considered the guide that took the deceased to the kingdom of Hanan Pacha.
Must see locations in your visit to the Andes
When you're in the Andean region in Ecuador, you'll want to make a point of visiting these must-see locations.
The famous Otavalo Market
This market is the largest and most important of its kind in all of South America, and it's known for its wide selection of handcrafted goods from local artisans. From textiles to jewlery to leather goods, this market has it all.
In this market you’ll also find beautiful handcrafted items made from alpaca wool made specifically to stand the cold in the high altitudes. This will allow you to stay warm while exploring this beautiful country.
Ingapirca is a pre-Inca archaeological site that was built by the Cañari people in the late 15th century- early 16th century. The cañari were a powerful indigenous tribe who controlled much of what is now the Azuay province. Cañaris were skilled farmers and warriors too.
Ingapirca has two pyramids with temples on top. One of them is dedicated to the creator god Viracocha and another to the god Inti. There are also two large plazas with stone walls around them and several buildings inside those walls. To make the most out of your visit to Ingapirca, make sure you get a guide.
This archeological park is located in the north of Pichincha and was home to the Caranqui Culture between the VII and XVI centuries. The Parque Arqueológico Cochasqui has more than 15 pyramids, 21 burial mounds, four museums and archaeological vestiges distributed though many hectares.
Located in the Cañar province, Cojitambo is an extensive complex of inca ruins located next to the hill that has the same name. This complex was a ceremonial center where the locals thanked the Inti (Sun) and the Pachamama (Mother Earth) for the cultives.
It has been discovered that when a high command died they were worshiped on this site. Cojitambo was also a military fort and its location allowed the Cañaris to know if an enemy was approaching to steal their land. The palce also served as a resting place for the chasquis, the ancestral messengers of the region.
Ecuador Experience your best alternative to discover Ecuador
Ecuador has an incredible culture that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. The Andean region of Ecuador is a beautiful place to visit, and there are many ways to experience it. However, one of the best ways to explore the area is through Ecuador Experience. Contac tus.